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Hi! For access to the online Study Guides you have to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site. After you've created your account then you'll be asked to use your enrolment key OR make your online payment by Paypal or credit card. Here are the steps:
  1. Fill out the New Account form with your details.
  2. An email will be immediately sent to your email address. If you enrol for SBL1301 Business Law, you must use an NTU student email address.
  3. Read your email, and click on the web link it contains.
  4. Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in.
  5. Now, select the study guides you want to enrol in and make your online payment. (For SUSS students: you will not be asked for payment but will instead be asked to provide an "enrolment key". Please use the enrolment key that your teacher has given you.)
  6. You can now access your online study guide(s). From now on you will only need to enter on this page your personal username and password to log in and access the study guide(s) you have enrolled for.